Tuesday 17 May 2016


Just a few images from my recent trip.
Until next time, stay beautiful 
Jord x

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Thursday 11 February 2016

Why say YES?

As I've said before, I want to grow into a person who tries more and I want to come out of my shell. So here are some of the things I tell myself when I want to say no.

1. I always ask myself 'if I say no to my friends are they going to do it anyways?' if yes I feel like I'm missing out on something, if no this upsets me because I don't want to stop them enjoying themselves. either way this makes me more inclined to say yes.

2. Even if I know a situation might make me feel uncomfortable or anxious, I know that if I say yes it will help me to progress and start to beat  my fears just by having a go.

3. Much like 1, you never know what you are missing by saying no. Be it good or bad, saying no means that there are countless things you could be missing out on.

4. Saying yes to something might end badly but it may also be the best thing you have ever done. Some opportunities only happen once so you should grab them whilst you can instead of spending years regretting it.

This week I've said yes to a random girls trip to London, something that terrifies me. I'd rather be there having a go than a bunch of my friends off having fun  without me.

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Sunday 24 January 2016

New Year New Me?

I know that New Years resolutions are supposed to be made on January 1st and that most people find them complete and utter rubbish, but I'm here nearly in February realising just what they mean. I've never been one for resolutions or New Year in general but over the last week I've realised what little promises to yourself mean. Simple little things like 'I'm going to try and correctly take my makeup off rather than rubbing it in circles with a baby wipe' or 'whilst at work I'll try to drink water rather than my own body weight in Coca Cola.'. It's only the 24th of January and I already feel like I've achieved so much, even if to others it's nothing. I'm taking more me time and not the sort where you watch tv for hours on end, the sort where you actually relax like taking a long bath or  weirdly enough, knitting. A group of my friends and myself have planned a holiday for July and a spontaneous trip to London for valentines day. It's strange how some of these little things make you happy but they make all the difference. 

My dog 'taking' a selfie
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