Sunday 26 April 2015

Recent Purchases - Jewellery

Here's some of my recent Jewellery finds,

These adorable little geometric necklaces are from Primark and at only three pound for the set they were an absolute bargain. I love wearing small, cute necklaces like these just below my collar bone to enhance my outfit in a  subtle way. Recently I've been wearing the golden triangle rather a lot.

This delicate gold leaf necklace is from new look and also a bargain at £2 in the sale.

These earrings, also from new look, are some of the cutest earrings I've seen in a while and would have been a great deal for a fiver but even better at the £2 that I got them for. My favorites have to be either the little dangle daisy earrings or the adorable angle ones.  

We all know that Primark has amazing deals for some rather cute products and there's no exception in the case of these earrings. 

The most expensive thing I bought on this shopping trip was this large Ted Baker wash bag in the print 'large distinguishing rose' and I have to say at £29 it's a hefty price for a wash bag but I just think the detailing on it is so beautiful. 

Until next time, stay beautiful 
Jord x

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Sunday 5 April 2015

Life update

Recently I've had to take an unannounced break from blogging, and for that I'm sorry. At the beginning of the year work was getting on top of me to the point I had to leave that job. I got to a point where I had no faith in anything I did and never felt like blogging. I've recently realized how great the people around me are Now I'm back on my feet and I'm much happier with a new job and I've started to work on posts for my blog again and many are just awaiting images. 

Until next time, stay beautiful 
Jord x
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